Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Terrible it is to love something that death can touch

Death. The word alone makes chills run down my spine. It's one of those things that will always have a positive and a negative. It can give release to someone in pain,it can take place with an eye for an eye, it can also make your world stop spinning. But it's also the one thing that you can NEVER undue. Never fix or bring back. It's an incurable disease that we are all going to catch. It's not anything medicine can fix or uplifting words from loved ones. It's something that we all need to accept, but the one thing not most of us never will. I think it's safe to say we all have or know someone who has lost someone, we all know what it can do to the soul. It's terrifying. It's heartbreak on steroids. I don't think the pain of the loss will quite ever go away, but it's life. As they say "shit happens" and boy no one will ever know how right they were. So start paying your dues. No regrets. No mistakes that aren't learned from. Death is so real and alive... In the most deadly way possible. Literally. So laugh more, don't be afraid to be yourself and let go. Cause no one knows how many screw it moments you have left on this twisted place we call earth.


  1. the title alone roped me in! good good good.

  2. "Literally."


  3. I love reading your posts. They're definetly refreshing.It doesn't seem like you're trying too hard.
