Thursday, May 23, 2013

Let your fears go, you might find your way back home

I like people too much, or not at all.

Isn't this always the case though. We want what we can't have. We hate who we love. Cry when we are happy. Laugh when we are sad. It's pretty messed up. We are all like this in some way or another. Everyone at some point in their life will have a situation where they only want what we can't have. And we will play games to get that. But what happens when we get it? We aren't truly happy because we then realize we don't really want it. We wanted the chase, the rush. "Players only love you when their playing." I could reveal myself, but what's the fun in that? I like being a secret. And hell some of you might even know who I am already. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The seasons have changed and so have we

I remembered EVERYTHING that you forgot.

i remember playing the boy role when i was little when me and my sister would have tea parties in our backyard. i remember having a Popsicle stained face at all times. i remember the feeling of the warm sun against my skin. i remember the lyrics to When I'm Gone by Eminem from blasting them in my sisters car. i remember ice cold cherry coke. i remember the butterflies in my stomach. i remember driving to the movie theater just to buy their pop corn. i remember trying to make eye contact with a certain person in the hall way. i remember trying to prove gravity wrong. i remember only being aloud to have sugar cereal on vacations. i remember paying for my own domino's pizza on my 15th birthday. i remember thinking high school was going to be the best years of my life because that's how the movies made you feel. i remember living on energy drinks. i remember when my dad has glasses. i remember cutting my own hair right before family pictures. i remember learning cursive. i remember how i used to hate being left handed. i remember when i would by bigger shoes so my feet didn't look as small. i remember it all.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Love will tear us apart

instructions to "Enjoy the Silence"

plug your ears, then stop which do you prefer? the dead silence or the absurd noise. if its the last one well then you're just wrong and please stop reading. To the other geniuses please continue now go on a drive, go on a walk, drive the magic rode (commuter lane) or anything that isolates yourself if you are driving it okay to blast your music. because if you are anything like me its never to impossible not to. (I think there are many ways to enjoy the silence usually you would think key word silence but again you're wrong please stop reading. maybe i should have started out with how to enjoy being alone? cause i am guessing some of you are thinking the voices in my head will never shut up for this one. i like the phrase enjoy the silence though so... take it however you want it) back on on track. So you are alone now i am assuming or sitting their plugging your ears and getting STRANGE looks from STRANGERS. i can't really tell you how to feel and since enjoying is in fact a feeling you are on your own now. but trust me it will hit. but if not... maybe try shutting your eyes really tightly?