Sunday, February 17, 2013

Jesus Christ That's A Pretty Face

Jesus Christ By: Brand New
This song is one of the most truthful songs i have ever listened to. This song is for the people who don't really know what life is really for; and frankly not sure how we got here. we all have our own beliefs which is fine. it's good. i think we are all here to figure out well, why we are here. most of us are most likely to frightend to admit to anyone (even ourselves) what we really believe in. We always say it is such a blessing to be born in utah. "Where your religion and life plan is picked out for you." We always look at those far away countries with the weird religions (No judging of course) whose parents pick there spouse. but in ways we are brought up that way here. We all have to follow certain rules and live certain standers or we are not good enough. it's sad you are an outcast if you don't choose to beleive what others do, but to me life is trying to figure out what you believe in. I think we are blessed to be surrounded by good people in a good environment. (Or so that's how everyone wants it to appear to be) i love this song for so many reasons. The first time i heard it, it actually made me think. Made me realize maybe i am not the only one who is scared. You can interpret this song anyway you want. Maybe it fits you, maybe it doesn't. but it has meaning. so if you have taken your time to read this post you might as well add 5 minutes and 18 seconds more to that. youtube the song jesus christ on brand new. then you might as well go over to itunes or figure out an illegal way to download this bloody good song because i guarantee it will change your life. and wait for the last 30 seconds. best part. i'm gonna list some of the lyrics so you can know just how good it is. i wont be annoying and copy and paste the whole thing because we both know you wont go through and read it. and besides, i rather have you listen to it instead.

Well Jesus Christ I'm alone again
So what did you do those three days you were dead?
'cause this problem's gonna last more than the weekend.

Well,Jesus Christ I'm not scared to die,
I'm a little bit scared of what comes after.


  1. Whoa. This is dangerous. I like it.

    I haven't illegally downloaded the song yet. I guess I'll listen to it first.

  2. I like to repeat myself. #sorry
